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Node Tags

To create a new Node Tag navigate to the Node Edit menu. Node example

Click on a Node or on the Add Custom Node button.

Node example

Go down to the Node fields table and click on "Add New".
Choose a Field Tag, a checkBox for Charts, a Type, and the Unity of Measurement.

Node example

To retrieve data from a Tag Name use resiot_getnodevalue while to set use resiot_setnodevalue

    Origin = resiot_startfrom()
    if Origin == "Manual" then
        appeui = "aB23710940DFa901"
        deveui = "098DcF1222003AA9"
        appeui = resiot_comm_getparam("appeui")
        deveui = resiot_comm_getparam("deveui")
        count, err = resiot_getnodevalue(appeui, deveui, "Counter")
        count = count + 1
        worked, err = resiot_setnodevalue(appeui, deveui, "Counter", count)