Multicast Introduction¶
Where you can find it¶
The Node Multicast field is placed under the Multicast's menu which is between the Nodes and the LoRaWan Gateways one.

The Multicast represent a way to send the same Downlink Message(Payload) to many different Nodes.

- **A Name**: the Name of the Multicast
- **LoRaWan Server**: the LoRaWan Server which the Multicast is linked to
- **DevAddress**: a unique Hexadecimal 4 Bytes key
- **AppSecureKey**: a Hexadecimal 16 Bytes key
- **NwkSecureKey**: a Hexadecimal 16 Bytes key
- **Max FrameCounterDownlink**: the max number that the Frame Counter Downlink may reach before restart