LoRaWAN Connector
LoRaWan Network Server¶
Where can you find it
LoRaWan Server is placed under the Data Connector menu.

A LoRaWan Network Server is a special Connector that include the functions of a MQTT Broker, for example sending TX and recieving RX, and many other, like sending a Command.
The message's structure is equal to the MQTT Broker's one so there is a "head" (the Topic) and the "body" (the JSON). The structure, obviously, depends on the Web Server type.
ResIOT provide its own API's for communication with these Servers.
Required and Extra fields
- Name*: the Name of the LoRaWan Server;
- URL Api: the URL of the Api for communication;
- Downlink with*: select the method how to send TX;
- JWT Token: this token is used as credential to access to API's functions;
- Enabled: checkbox for Enable;
- LoRa Type: specify the type of the LoRaWan Server;
- Region*: the region where the LoRaWan Server is located;
- RX2 Data Rate*: a LoRaWan standard number based on the server region;
- Connector Type*: the type of the connector;
- Application Auto Provisioning: checkbox that allows ResIOT to auto insert one or more Applications if one or more Nodes send a Payload to your connector.
The Application is inserted only if the Node meets the Server Conditions and if the AppEUI isn't already taken;
- Device Auto Provisioning: checkbox that allows ResIOT to auto insert one or more Nodes if one or more Nodes send a Payload to your connector.
The Node is inserted only if the it meets the Server Conditions and if the DevEUI isn't already taken;
- URL: the URL of the server;
- Username: username to access to the server;
- Password: password to access to the server;
- Topic: filter for the communication;
- Application: same function as "Preset Application" field of MQTT Broker;
- SSL/TLS: checkbox for SSL/TLS;
- CA Certificate: field for Certificate Authority;
- Client Certificate: field for Client Certificate;
- Key Client Certificate: field for Key Client Certificate.
Parse Data
The Topic and the JSON Data Patterns are the same as for MQTT Broker.
T1 Type
The T1 LoRaWan Server type are different from standard ones.